January 30, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.19

Public transportation
I am a bus rider. I take this form of public transportation almost everyday.
Quite frankly, I don't think I should be trusted behind the wheel of a car until I've had at least 2 cups of coffee and have been awake for 3 full hours.
I like not having to deal with traffic during rush hour.
I like getting a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning on my way in.
I like that I only have to fill up my car every two weeks (which is something I truly despise).
I like listening to other people’s conversations. Partly because I am just plain nosey and partly because it keeps me up to date on current events. I find out the morning news and hear all of the sports scores from the previous day which I will use to appear informed later on in the day.
I like the fact that I don't have to shell out money to park downtown every day and I can use that money for other things.
I like that I am not contributing to air pollution anymore than I 'have to'.
I like that I am also not contributing to the downtown traffic congestion. At first it was difficult giving up the freedom of being able to leave whenever I chose. After a few weeks, I got used to it.
This method doesn't work for everyone.
All I am saying is that it works for me.

January 28, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.18

In my experience, corporate life has a very skewed notion of what ambition means. It seems that ambition is determined, more often than not, by how many hours you put in at the office and/or how high up the corporate ladder you want to climb. In my opinion, this statement couldn't be any more narrow.
I am one of those people who doesn't strive to be CEO. I am fully aware that I could never do that job. At this point in my life, I pretty much know my strengths and weaknesses and am comfortable with them. And that job is not for me.
Does this mean that I am not an ambitious person?
My ambition shows in SO many other ways. I want to be the best at whatever I choose to be and whatever I choose to do like so many other people.
You can never excel at something that you don't enjoy or have a passion for. Even with natural talent, there has to be a want or a need to excel or eventually those with more motivation will pass you by.
I view ambition as simply this:
Being driven or determined to perform at your best.

January 27, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.17

I took some photos of these little guys last weekend. They are too cute. I took them in my studio.

I've been thinking that I should start posting my camera settings for my photos. I will try to do that from now on. I don't remember what these were off the top of my head. I'll do better next time.

January 26, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.16

So, apparently, this company did a music video for Radiohead as well:
I totally love this! And this version of the song is amazing...

January 25, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.15

Being an original
I have been reading up on copyright laws lately. I think it is silly that we even need them. I don’t understand what is so hard about being original. Every one of us is unique and different – so why not showcase that quality?
I was reading a website today owned by a lady who put at the bottom of her site.
“People who copy suck. Being inspired is one thing, but blatant copying is SO wrong. You are not an artist. We see you doing this … you are obvious.”

It really got me thinking ….
I agree. I believe that taking someone else’s idea and putting your own spin on it (making it your own) is wonderful and, according to some, a huge compliment.
Here's to the people who copy...
How can you call yourself an artist if you never do your own thing?
You can't.
You will always be dependent on others for your ideas and ‘creativity’.

One of the things I learned at the workshop I attended is:
If you work from your heart, really let your heart do the work, then your work will always be unique
always be creative,
always be good,
and always be YOU.

January 22, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.14

I was wandering around the net today and found this fun little video. At first I just thought it was cute, then I started listening to the music. This guy has a pretty good voice.

Weblog Entry 2.13

I took some photos of myself tonight for the Neysa page on my website. I got to try out my remote. Of course each time it got ready to take a photo, I had to hurry and hide it :)
I think these photos show more of my creative style, but I don't know ... they may be a little 'dark'. There are about 5 of them I like.
Thought I would share one:

January 21, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.12

I did another one of those fun little blogger tests. They are kind of addictive...

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.

And while this may not seem big, it can be.

It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.

You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.

January 15, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.11

I made it to Illinois! This town is very small. It is just outside of Peoria. I am staying at a bed and breakfast that is just beautiful! I love it. It has such character.
Here is a pic of my new 'home away from home' for a couple of days. Of course I have already taken 140 pictures - and that was just in the first hour I was here. Can you imagine the damage I could do in 3 days???
This room is so girly! How fun.
We are having a get together this evening at the studio across the street in about 2 hours and I am still the only one here. I don't know how many people are coming to the workshop, but there are 4 of us staying at this Bed & Breakfast.
Breakfast .... Mmmm

Weblog Entry 2.10

I am so excited about the workshop I am attending this week in Illinois. I am hoping to get some great ideas on how to market my business. I am also hoping that I haven't forgotten anything. They gave us a list of things to bring with us and I have checked and double-checked but if this is anything like the list I make for EVERY trip to the grocery, then I am doomed.
I am a list maker by nature. Just ask me. I have a list for everything. This doesn't mean that I will ever read the list after making it OR that I will remember to take it with me when I leave the house, but I make them none the less. I have resigned to the fact that there will never be one solitary trip to the grocery for me, but rather, multiple smaller ones.
It is my fate. Wish me luck!

Weblog Entry 2.9

For anyone who is interested, I fixed the 'comment' section of my blog. I didn't realize I had it set for only registered users to comment. So, now anyone is welcome to leave me a note. Thanks to my friend Jeff for pointing this out :)

January 14, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.8

Favorite day of the week
So, this morning I woke up early. It is Saturday and I didn't have to. In fact, I could have slept in until noon if I had wanted.
I like waking up on the weekends before anyone else. It gives me some much needed quiet time. 6:00 a.m on a Saturday morning is a time when anyone can find peace. No one is up. Not even the birds.
I reflected a little on why I do this when most others do not...
here's what I came up with:
There are weeks when I work 6 out of 7 days a week (sometimes 7 of 7). Suffice it to say, I don't get a lot of 'down time'. So, when I do get a day off, I want my WHOLE day. Not just the afternoon and evening. When I don't get up early, I feel like I have been cheated out of time that was given to me. Call me crazy and I will understand. This morning I woke up, went downstairs, made coffee, started a load of laundry, curled up on the couch and waited for the coffee pot to stop sputtering which is my clue that it has now completed its only mission in life for yet another day. I poured a cup of coffee and headed upstairs to read my email and visit all of websites that I don't get to during the work week. After an hour or so, the sun started to come up.
There was no TV on, no music playing, no phones ringing, no hustle and bustle that comes with the true daylight hours - just peacefulness.
Yes. I think it is safe to say that I need this time of day to keep my sanity.
You really should try it sometime. You might be surprised.

January 11, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.7

I went for my haircut last night at the local salon after 11 weeks of growth. I love the lady that cuts my hair! She is 1/3 the price of the place I used to go and she is so much fun. I was getting my hair rinsed from my highlights when she started telling me about this “new” perm she just gotten that is extremely relaxed and only lasts 6 weeks. I said "let me see the box". So, she showed me. Well, of course, I HAD TO HAVE IT! I said “I think you should practice on me! Right now”. She went on and on about how she didn’t want to use a client as a guinea pig …blah blah blah. And what if I hated it - I would hate her forever ... blah blah blah. I simply explained to her that it is a SEMI-permanent solution and if it was really bad, I would only hate her for, at most, 6 weeks - not to worry.
In the end, I won
and I love it.
I am not one of those people who worries too much about my hair. I like trying new hairstyles and colors. It keeps things interesting. I have only three words to say to people who get totally and completely bent out of shape over their hair …
It grows back.

January 10, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.6

I had taken some photographs of a friend's daughther when they were over the other night. As I was going through the images, I ran across these few that really grabbed me. I took out the 'noise' of the color by converting them to black and white and they became moody, almost intense, photographs.
The images caught her totally and completely wrapped up in what she was doing. Completely oblivious to me and my camera.
I love the fact that her hair is all over and that I have to look through it to see her face. I love the sweep of hair that's hanging down in a perfect curve framing her small features. I love that her face is soft and out of focus. I love the way the light illuminates her.

Simply beautiful.

January 09, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.5

I had a photo shoot this weekend and thought I would share some of the photos here.
She came with a car full of clothes! I just love that! I had a lot of fun with the shoot.
These are just a few of my favorites. She is so photogenic it is unreal.

January 06, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.4

Today I took "The world's shortest personality test". Kind of a fun thing to do. I've done all kinds of personality tests in my life and know one thing for sure about every one of them: There is at least one thing that matches your personality in the outcome of every test.
Here are my results from the test today...

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.

Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.

You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.

And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

Weblog Entry 2.3

The internet has made so many things possible that weren’t before. Before the internet, there was no way for you to find out how total strangers spent their days. Now with the introduction of the web log, we can take the internet just one step further and connect to people we may have otherwise never met (still may never meet - in-person anyway). This connection can also be one sided. Allow me to explain:

There is a web log that I read on a semi-daily basis. I feel as if I KNOW this individual. I was going to put a link to this blog on my blog and was in the process of writing “here is a link to one of my friend’s blog’s” when
I stopped typing
This person has no idea that I exist.
To say that we are ‘friends’ is a little presumptuous.
A frightening word comes to mind:

Of course I am not a stalker. Maybe the word ‘lurker’ is more appropriate.
It is kind of like the guy-at-work who talks about his wife so much that you feel you know her as well, if not better, than some of the people living in your own home. When you meet that individual you say ‘so-and-so talks about you all the time, I feel as if I already know you’.

This conversation can never take place in the scenario I mentioned above because there is no mutual acquaintance.
So, I’ve made a decision ... I’m not listing that blog on mine.
End of Story

January 05, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.2

Well, it's official ... I am on a serious roll here. I have made a couple of decisions ...
1. I am going to start randomly looking at others' blogs here on blogspot and if one tickles my fancy, I'll add it to my new link area on the right hand side of this main page named appropriately 'random blogs'.
2. I am also planning on creating a link area on the right hand side of this main page for links to pages and/or websites that I visit on a daily (almost obsessive) basis. There I've said it. They say your first step to overcoming your problem is first admitting that you have one at all. Step 1 - check!
Happy Surfing!

January 04, 2006

weblog entry 2.1

I finally got some pictures of my daughter in the dress we got her for the Christmas dance. She must have tried on 20 dresses. When she put this one on ... her eyes lit up and she did something very similar to this first picture, in the dressing room mirror. That was it. Search over.
Perfect little dress.

Weblog Entry 2.0

Happy New Year!

It is a new year and a NEW chance for me to, once again, state that I am going to try and update this blog weekly. I am not going to go so far as to say that I have made it my New Year's Resolution, but .... we'll see.

I don't think New Year's Resolutions work. I am a firm believer that if you need to set a specific date to start a good habit OR stop a bad one, then you really aren't ready to do it and it won't work. Same goes for people who say their diet it starting next Monday. If you truly want to do it. You will.

The best time to start being a better you is NOW.

I digress ...

Anyway, I promised that I would post some of my holiday photos ... so here goes:

I snapped some great photos of my daughter over the holiday. This photo was taken at one of our family get-togethers.

This next one is of my youngest niece. She is one of those kids who is so adorable all of the time that you never want to put her down.

See? I told you :)