January 28, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.18

In my experience, corporate life has a very skewed notion of what ambition means. It seems that ambition is determined, more often than not, by how many hours you put in at the office and/or how high up the corporate ladder you want to climb. In my opinion, this statement couldn't be any more narrow.
I am one of those people who doesn't strive to be CEO. I am fully aware that I could never do that job. At this point in my life, I pretty much know my strengths and weaknesses and am comfortable with them. And that job is not for me.
Does this mean that I am not an ambitious person?
My ambition shows in SO many other ways. I want to be the best at whatever I choose to be and whatever I choose to do like so many other people.
You can never excel at something that you don't enjoy or have a passion for. Even with natural talent, there has to be a want or a need to excel or eventually those with more motivation will pass you by.
I view ambition as simply this:
Being driven or determined to perform at your best.


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