January 14, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.8

Favorite day of the week
So, this morning I woke up early. It is Saturday and I didn't have to. In fact, I could have slept in until noon if I had wanted.
I like waking up on the weekends before anyone else. It gives me some much needed quiet time. 6:00 a.m on a Saturday morning is a time when anyone can find peace. No one is up. Not even the birds.
I reflected a little on why I do this when most others do not...
here's what I came up with:
There are weeks when I work 6 out of 7 days a week (sometimes 7 of 7). Suffice it to say, I don't get a lot of 'down time'. So, when I do get a day off, I want my WHOLE day. Not just the afternoon and evening. When I don't get up early, I feel like I have been cheated out of time that was given to me. Call me crazy and I will understand. This morning I woke up, went downstairs, made coffee, started a load of laundry, curled up on the couch and waited for the coffee pot to stop sputtering which is my clue that it has now completed its only mission in life for yet another day. I poured a cup of coffee and headed upstairs to read my email and visit all of websites that I don't get to during the work week. After an hour or so, the sun started to come up.
There was no TV on, no music playing, no phones ringing, no hustle and bustle that comes with the true daylight hours - just peacefulness.
Yes. I think it is safe to say that I need this time of day to keep my sanity.
You really should try it sometime. You might be surprised.


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