January 06, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.3

The internet has made so many things possible that weren’t before. Before the internet, there was no way for you to find out how total strangers spent their days. Now with the introduction of the web log, we can take the internet just one step further and connect to people we may have otherwise never met (still may never meet - in-person anyway). This connection can also be one sided. Allow me to explain:

There is a web log that I read on a semi-daily basis. I feel as if I KNOW this individual. I was going to put a link to this blog on my blog and was in the process of writing “here is a link to one of my friend’s blog’s” when
I stopped typing
This person has no idea that I exist.
To say that we are ‘friends’ is a little presumptuous.
A frightening word comes to mind:

Of course I am not a stalker. Maybe the word ‘lurker’ is more appropriate.
It is kind of like the guy-at-work who talks about his wife so much that you feel you know her as well, if not better, than some of the people living in your own home. When you meet that individual you say ‘so-and-so talks about you all the time, I feel as if I already know you’.

This conversation can never take place in the scenario I mentioned above because there is no mutual acquaintance.
So, I’ve made a decision ... I’m not listing that blog on mine.
End of Story


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