January 25, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.15

Being an original
I have been reading up on copyright laws lately. I think it is silly that we even need them. I don’t understand what is so hard about being original. Every one of us is unique and different – so why not showcase that quality?
I was reading a website today owned by a lady who put at the bottom of her site.
“People who copy suck. Being inspired is one thing, but blatant copying is SO wrong. You are not an artist. We see you doing this … you are obvious.”

It really got me thinking ….
I agree. I believe that taking someone else’s idea and putting your own spin on it (making it your own) is wonderful and, according to some, a huge compliment.
Here's to the people who copy...
How can you call yourself an artist if you never do your own thing?
You can't.
You will always be dependent on others for your ideas and ‘creativity’.

One of the things I learned at the workshop I attended is:
If you work from your heart, really let your heart do the work, then your work will always be unique
always be creative,
always be good,
and always be YOU.


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