February 24, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.41

Color vs. B&W
I used to think that B&W photography was the only way to truly express creativity through photography. Very narrow minded, I know. It wasn’t until recently that I began to appreciate the beauty of the color photography. Color can be your friend or your worst enemy. Someone asked me recently why I put some of my images in B&W and leave some color and how I decide what to do with each.

I use B&W when I really want the composition and the simplicity of the image to make the biggest and most impactful statement. I use it when I want the viewer to see the depth of the shadows and highlights in the image. I also use it when there is just too much, what I call, ‘noise’, in the photo caused by the color. Or when the whole feeling needs to be muted and subdued.

I use color when I want to pack a punch. I use it when 90% of the colors in the photograph are the same tone. When colors are all in the same TONE, they typically do not make good B&W images since B&W images are all about contrast and tonality. I use color when I want something to stand out because of the color OR when the photo is ABOUT color. For example – who really wants to see a sunset in B&W? Not many.

Weblog Entry 2.40

I read a disturbing statistic today. It said that suicide rates and deaths are higher in the month of February than in any other. People who know me know that I do not watch the news or read a newspaper. Some say that it is important to keep up with current events. I find the news discouraging. I find that it tends to focus too much on the negative. I used to watch. I used to read. I read about bombings, homicides, suicides, drownings, accidents, robberies, kidnappings, stabbings, wars, and general acts of hatred. I refuse to keep these types of images in my mind and in my thoughts. It pollutes the mind and, to some, can begin to seem very commonplace. Personally I don't want to hear about these things so often that when I hear them they don't affect me anymore. I don't want to become numb to anything so horrible. I want them to remain uncommon and shocking to me.
To counter this statistic, I thought about myself, my life and what I love about it. I put together a list of my top ten (although I could have gone on and on).

Top ten things I love about my life and being me
I love being married
I love being a mom
I love that my daughter and I have an amazing relationship
I love that she is as beautiful inside as she is out
I love that I am able to share my passion as an artist with others
I love that I am surrounded by good friends every day of my life
I love that I have a beautiful home that is safe, warm, and inviting in which to live
I love that I have a family who loves me unconditionally
I love that my husband is my best friend and my biggest fan
I just love being me
Maybe everyone reading this should take a moment to think about their lives as well and come up with their own list. If, for no other reason, than to remind yourself of all of the good things about you and your life. Trust me ... it will make you smile.

February 21, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.39

As promised, here is a before and after image that I took and then altered in photoshop.
Typically I don't add or remove anything from my images, but in this case, after I played with the color, the red stoplights stood out WAY too much. So, I did erase them.
This after photo has more 'done to it' than I normally would for a portrait shoot, but being a rock band, I wanted the images to have more of an edgy look to them.
So, I added a little 'rock n roll' to them.

Weblog Entry 2.38

I was asked by a couple of people to post some more pics from this shoot.
So ... here you go.
If I had a truck with me when we did this shoot ... the green sofa would be MINE! I totally loved it.
Someone also asked me if I would show them a before/after photo that I had photoshopped AND I don't want anyone to think I don't listen to you, SO I will try and do that as well.

February 20, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.37

I did a shoot tonight for a local rock band,
Redline Rose
What a great bunch of guys to work with! I had fun. I also got some great images for them to use. Obviously I haven't been able work on all of them, but these are a few that are done that I really like.

February 19, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.36

I did a shoot for Faith Fellowship Church today and while I can't really post any of the 'people pictures', I can post some photos I took outside the church.

I have done a few things with the members of this church and I have to say, the people here are just fantastic. They have a way of making everyone feel welcome. These photos, along with a lot of others I took, will be on their new website.

February 18, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.35

I SO wanted to stay in bed this morning...
But today I have to get my business software installed.
So, I'm up.

February 16, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.34

More pics...surprise surprise.
Try not to look so shocked.
this camera!

Weblog Entry 2.33

I got a new camera!
It has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life! This is what mother's feel like the first time they see their baby! Ok, maybe that is a stretch, but seriously, I couldn't be any more excited. I have had a constant smile on my face for so long now that my cheeks actually hurt.
Since I have been forbidden to carry any equipment or do much of anything with my left arm since my injury, I am using a tripod.
I even blew these pictures up to 100% and they are tack sharp. Amazing stuff here.
All the things I hoped this camera would be, it is (times 10). So far I am just floored. The menu is easier to use than my current camera, and it has so many more features all at the touch of my fingertips rather than buried in the menu. This is especially important when shooting in manual mode. It is truly a work of art all by itself, but look at the cool art it CREATES as well.

Keeping in mind that I don't have PERSON to photograph right now; this is what I came up with tonight. I like them. Well, obviously I do or I would have posted them out here. Yeah, it's true, you guys don't get to see my flops. Sorry. Maybe once we get to know each other a bit more. However, if you read my previous post, you'll know that with this camera I was hoping to improve my ratio of good to bad shots. And so far I am on a roll. I took 4 shots to get these two. And the only reason I threw the other two out was because I liked the crops on these better. Other than that ... they were great as well. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Now if I could just get some 'people' shots with this thing! Volunteers? Anyone?

Weblog Entry 2.32

A couple more images...
I really like the way this photo turned out. These candles really pop off the background.

This next one is our hutch in the breakfast room. I changed it to black and white - again to remove the 'noise' of the color. It is funny that I say that; My house is FULL of color and I love it that way. Then I go and take a picture and pull it all out. Seems much more peaceful this way.

February 15, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.31

Williams Sonoma should hire me :)
I took a few product-oriented images. I've never seriously thought about doing commercial work, but I could be persuaded. I just loved the way these turned out. To me they have a "magazine feel" to them.

Weblog Entry 2.30

I think I am addicted to the blogthings...

Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a firestorm - full of intensity and drama.

Your thoughts may seem scattered to you most of the time...

But they often seem strong and passionate to those around you.

You are a natural influencer. The thoughts you share are very powerful and persuading.

February 14, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.29

I did it! I received my first deposit for an upcoming wedding! I haven't even done anything yet. I got paid for a promise of service. It is a strange feeling, I've got to tell you. I have never been paid in advance before.
Monumentous. (in my humble opinion)
It means I am a real photographer with enough of a reputation and enough of a portfolio to bring people in simply on a promise.
I could get used to this.

Weblog Entry 2.28

I am having a dilemma. I REALLY want a new digital camera but I am having trouble justifying the purchase. Especially when I get shots like the ones posted here with my current set up. I have heard nothing short of fantastic things about the new camera. I just keep thinking that if I am getting images this good with my camera, just IMAGINE what I would get with the new and improved model.
One thing about photography is that you have to constantly question yourself about whether or not you are on the infamous 'search for the magic bullet'. At least that is what I call it. You have to make sure that you aren't just getting something because buying that ONE thing will make you SO much better. When I find myself saying "if I only had ___, I would be able to get great images", then I know that I am on 'the hunt'. This situation is never good. I guess I can say...at least I recognize it. I have said it a lot, as I am sure others have as well. The truth is, there is only one thing that can make you a good photographer/artist.
Here is a scenario to help explain the magic bullet theory:
When you look at images in a book and you think 'Man! I would love to be able to take photographs like that!' Then you read in the book that the photographer used a Nikon D2x and they used a 85mm f1.8 fixed lens. And, IF, in this scenario, you are shooting with a Nikon D2x but your images NEVER look that good and you find yourself saying 'I bet if I had that same lens, I could take pictures like that.' So, you buy it. And you use it. And you find that your images don't look anything like the image you saw in the book.
Then, to you, that lens was a 'magic bullet'.
It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I am probably going to end up talking through my whole decision process here on my blog. So, I'll just apologize now.
Here goes...
So, if I play this out ... I have talked myself out of a ton of equipment based on this theory. In this particular case, I know I can get good images with my camera. I know how to use it. It just isn't as responsive as I would like it to be. I don't expect to get BETTER images with it. Just a better ratio of good to bad in an average shooting session.
I KNOW what the magic bullet is and I believe that I am not in search of it. There, I've said it. My expectations for this camera are not so high that I expect IT to take the photos for me while I sit on the sidelines and watch. I simply want a camera that is more of an extension of my hand. It needs to be as responsive as I am. I need my camera to be there and functioning as it should so that I am not spending all of my energy on the technical aspect of the photograph, but rather, on the creative aspect

February 13, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.27

I took some images a couple of days ago and finally got around to looking at them. This one stood out. It was taken right outside my house about 5:30 pm. I have to say, for the midwest, we get a lot of beautiful sunrises and sunsets around here.
Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.

Weblog Entry 2.26

I got to spend some time with my daughter this weekend. Of course, as luck would have it .... I was unable to move most of the time because of a pinched nerve in my neck.
I was miserable.
I did manage to snap a couple of photos of her before she left.

February 10, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.25

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.

But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

Weblog Entry 2.24

I love these commercials. I think the Banana Republic commercial appealed to me a little bit more partly because I hadn't really seen it before, but this one is still pretty neat. I don't know how these people come up with this stuff.
If I can find the Banana Republic ad, I will post it here.

February 09, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.23

Something to chew on ...

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
-author unknown

February 07, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.22

The first wall of my studio went up today! Jamie has officially started our basement and I can hardly contain my excitement! He is really moving on the framing. I took a couple of quick photos just for fun tonight. Of course, I am busy documenting the progress.

This just looked like a cool shot - so, I took it.

February 03, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.21

Here is an extremely interesting statistic for all of you out there with websites:
"Internet users can take just 0.05 second to decide whether they like the look of a website, research found, and this first impression has a lasting impact. In comparison, it takes a human 0.05 second to read one word. This result suggests that humans make very quick judgements based on some sort of emotional reaction, which is independent of our cognitive system. This ability to respond rapidly may help humans dealing with dangerous situations in the evolutionary terms, but it makes a web designer's job much more difficult."
- an excerpt from Life Records blog
So, what this means to me is ... if you don't grab someone right 'out of the gate' so to speak. You have already lost them. I think this is very believable. I find myself doing the same thing when I am surfing. I call it my quick clicker finger.
and my ADD :)

February 02, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.20

For the month of February
Here is the plan:
I am going to do a few different lists of things I love AND
I am going to talk about a lot of 'touchy-feely' stuff (so, you men may want to stay away until March)
I am going to start with a list of some of my favorite smells (in no particular order):
1. Rain
2. Bread baking
3. Any Aveda product
4. Anything cooked with garlic (I am a bit like Pavlov's dog with this spice. I smell it. I salivate.)
5. The smell of an auto mechanics bay (I blame my dad for this one)
6. Newborn babies (heck, ALL babies)
7. Lavender
8. Moist towelettes (it's an addiction ... I'm aware of it)
9. Phisoderm (reminds me of being young)
10. Wood burning fireplace