February 02, 2006

Weblog Entry 2.20

For the month of February
Here is the plan:
I am going to do a few different lists of things I love AND
I am going to talk about a lot of 'touchy-feely' stuff (so, you men may want to stay away until March)
I am going to start with a list of some of my favorite smells (in no particular order):
1. Rain
2. Bread baking
3. Any Aveda product
4. Anything cooked with garlic (I am a bit like Pavlov's dog with this spice. I smell it. I salivate.)
5. The smell of an auto mechanics bay (I blame my dad for this one)
6. Newborn babies (heck, ALL babies)
7. Lavender
8. Moist towelettes (it's an addiction ... I'm aware of it)
9. Phisoderm (reminds me of being young)
10. Wood burning fireplace


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