Weblog Entry 2.33
I got a new camera!
It has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life! This is what mother's feel like the first time they see their baby! Ok, maybe that is a stretch, but seriously, I couldn't be any more excited. I have had a constant smile on my face for so long now that my cheeks actually hurt.
Since I have been forbidden to carry any equipment or do much of anything with my left arm since my injury, I am using a tripod.
I even blew these pictures up to 100% and they are tack sharp. Amazing stuff here.
All the things I hoped this camera would be, it is (times 10). So far I am just floored. The menu is easier to use than my current camera, and it has so many more features all at the touch of my fingertips rather than buried in the menu. This is especially important when shooting in manual mode. It is truly a work of art all by itself, but look at the cool art it CREATES as well.

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