Weblog Entry 2.41
I used to think that B&W photography was the only way to truly express creativity through photography. Very narrow minded, I know. It wasn’t until recently that I began to appreciate the beauty of the color photography. Color can be your friend or your worst enemy. Someone asked me recently why I put some of my images in B&W and leave some color and how I decide what to do with each.
I use B&W when I really want the composition and the simplicity of the image to make the biggest and most impactful statement. I use it when I want the viewer to see the depth of the shadows and highlights in the image. I also use it when there is just too much, what I call, ‘noise’, in the photo caused by the color. Or when the whole feeling needs to be muted and subdued.
I use color when I want to pack a punch. I use it when 90% of the colors in the photograph are the same tone. When colors are all in the same TONE, they typically do not make good B&W images since B&W images are all about contrast and tonality. I use color when I want something to stand out because of the color OR when the photo is ABOUT color. For example – who really wants to see a sunset in B&W? Not many.