December 29, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.29.06

Quote of the day:

"Make sure your autobiography is the thickest book on the shelf."
- Unknown

December 26, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.26.06

Megan and Dan
I had a really fun studio session last week with these two. We got some great images. This was my first real session in the studio and my first time really getting to work with my studio lighting. I shoot 'location' so often that I was worried I wouldn't enjoy the studio as much in comparison, but the reality was quite the contrary!

Thank you both for letting me 'practice'. I truly enjoyed it!

December 24, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.24.06

I will be posting some images soon, but I was playing around with these blog-things for fun and thought I would post one...

Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2

"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"

You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.

December 17, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.17.06

More from my last family shoot...
So when you have a lot of kids in one shot,
you start off with a posed shot ... maybe something like this:

And then you go to this ...

And then ... chaos ensues!

These are the images that I love to get.

After the family shots ... we headed downstairs for an impromptu 'band session'.

If he could actually fit the microphone all the way in his mouth ... we'd have to change his name to "Mick Jagger".

Watching from a distance...

I still don't think she knew what to make of me. She kept a close eye on me all day.

The drum diva!

Belting out a few lyrics ...

Heavy metal ... here we come!

Again ... great time with these guys! I just wanted to post a few more because I just couldn't fit them all into one post!

December 10, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.9.06

Tara and Kyle
This was my first engagement session for one of my 2007 weddings!
Most people like to wait for spring to shoot, but it was a nice change of pace to get to shoot in the winter. Thank goodness it wasn't freezing outside!
Tara's dad and fiance are both firemen, so it seemed only fitting that we start out at one of the firehouses.

We headed downtown for a couple of shots.

Kyle asked Tara to marry him at DeVue Park - so we just HAD to go there! It is such a beautiful setting for photos.

Tara and Kyle, I had so much fun with you two. And I am pysched about the wedding next year!

December 06, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.7.06

My last family session of 2006 ...
Every once in awhile, I meet a family that makes me feel like I'm one of them - this was one of those families! Only problem is ... I didn't see anywhere for me to fit in!!
I can't tell you how much fun I had with this group! The kids - all 7 of them - were so much fun and all had such unique personalities. What a wonderful way to end my family season for this year!
Here are a few of my favorite 'portaits' from their session. I'm sure I'll be posting more; Blogger only lets me upload so many at a time, so I thought I would start with these.

Too much fun!

Thank you for making me feel so welcome in your home and for being so wonderful to work with!! I hope I can come back when the weather improves for some outdoor shots!!

December 03, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.03.06

The quote of the day:
"A business that makes nothing but money, is a poor business."
- Henry Ford

December 01, 2006

Weblog Entry 12.1.06

Happy 1 year anniversary to my BLOG!
I completely forgot to celebrate my one year blogging anniversary. When I started this blog on November 28th of 2005, I wasn't too sure how well I would keep up with it. I figured if I actually posted to it once every couple of weeks, I would keep it.
I think I have made that decision. I have had over 1870 visitors to my blog since last year at this time.
You would never know it by the number of comments I get (hint hint).
So, for this next year, I'm going to try very hard to figure out how to get more of you to comment.
Wish me luck!
I guess the main thing I would like to say to everyone who comes here to check in on me is this:
Thank you!
I love the fact that you all come here and I love reading the comments - so keep 'em comin'!
I truly am grateful to have a job that allows to meet such wonderful people every day and I am looking forward to 2007. It is going to be another great year!