Today is my birthday.
I am 32.
When I got home from work today, my husband was standing with gift-in-hand. He knows that I truly believe my birthday should have been a National Holiday. I am a little obnoxious about the fact that it's not. Today is MY day. My own special day. The one day out of all 365 that I can say is my own personal holiday.
So ... anyway, there he was with a FedEx box in hand asking me how I liked his wrapping job! Inside was something I have been wanting for a year now! A Lens Baby! He is the BEST GIFT giver I have ever met. He always knows what I want - sometimes before I know I want it. This thing is so cool. It does a weird blur effect on images.
Causes all kinds of distortion.
Love it love it love it.
It is a little difficult to figure out how to get the 'sweet spot' where you want it, but I'll get the hang of it!
Here are a few images I took with it.
Trust me .... there are more to come :)

This last image was taken with the Lens Baby, but the color effect is something that I found out about from a friend of mine. Jeff, this one's for you!
It is a 'dark, gloomy' effect that I did in Photoshop. Thought I would post my first attempt for him to critique.