Once again, another amazing family! What a ride!
These guys definitely kept me on my toes. I wonder if that counts as one of my workouts?
I'm sure that's what keeps their mom in such good shape!
As always, here are a couple of my favorites from our session...
Rudolph would have been in EVERY picture if it were up to this little one. We had to bribe her to get her to put him down long enough for a couple of photos. So, Rudolph kept me company and helped me with my photo composition when he wasn't busy 'posing' himself. It is always good to get a second opinion on things, you know?
With kids between 1 and 3 years of age, sometimes the photo shoot is more of a 'catch me if you can' sort of thing. So, I played the game and got this image of him playing right behind mom. I love this shot - so real.
Here is us trying to make the kids jealous by taking pics of Mom and Dad alone. Too cute!

We had 'bed jumping' time. If I hadn't been working, I would have joined in. Doesn't this look like fun??
Those eyes...
Quiet time with mom.
Eskimo kisses!!!Actually this last photo is so peaceful to me. Just a wonderful moment between a dad and his daughter.
Thank you so much for a wonderful evening full of entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
What a fun family! I know what you mean about having to play/run around with the little kids. You did a great job and love how they just are themselves.
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